Community Benefit Agreements Examples

Community benefit agreements (CBAs) are contractual agreements negotiated between developers, community organizations, and/or local government officials. These agreements provide a framework for ensuring that development projects are completed in a way that benefits the communities in which they are located. CBAs can be used to address a range of issues, from affordable housing and job creation to environmental protection and community safety.

Here are some examples of successful CBAs:

1. The Los Angeles Community Benefits Agreement

In 2001, the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE) negotiated a landmark CBA with the developer of a new shopping center in the city`s South Los Angeles neighborhood. The agreement required the developer to hire local residents for construction and permanent jobs, pay a living wage, provide affordable housing, and support community-based organizations. The CBA has been hailed as a model for how to ensure that development projects benefit the communities in which they are located.

2. The Atlanta Beltline Community Benefits Agreement

The Atlanta Beltline is a massive redevelopment project that is transforming a 22-mile loop of abandoned rail lines around the city into a multi-use trail and transit network. In 2015, a coalition of community groups negotiated a CBA with the project`s developers that included provisions for affordable housing, local hiring, small business support, and environmental protections. The CBA also established a community oversight committee to monitor the project`s progress and ensure that the benefits of development are shared equitably.

3. The Milwaukee Bucks Arena CBA

When the Milwaukee Bucks announced plans to build a new arena in the city`s downtown area, community groups came together to negotiate a CBA with the team`s owners. The agreement includes provisions for local hiring, job training, and small business support. The CBA also requires the team to establish a community fund to support neighborhood organizations and invest in affordable housing, education, and workforce development programs.

4. The Seattle Community Benefits Agreement Ordinance

In 2015, the Seattle City Council passed an ordinance requiring developers of large-scale projects to negotiate a CBA with community organizations before receiving certain permits and approvals. The ordinance also established a community benefits advisory committee to provide guidance and oversight for the negotiation process. Since the ordinance was passed, several successful CBAs have been negotiated, including agreements for affordable housing and job training programs.

These are just a few examples of successful CBAs that have been negotiated across the country. By working together, developers, community organizations, and local government officials can ensure that development projects benefit everyone involved, not just the bottom line.

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